Monday, January 18, 2016

Yesterday we spent our whole morning helping the church facilities director, Brother Tilley, set up a computer system connected with the church website for the live showing of the Suva Temple Celebration and rededication. Nothing was working. The computer was so old that no one knew the Administrator's password. Finally he said, "It would be easy if we had a laptop!" We said, "We have a laptop the mission gave us to do Self Reliance. We drove home and got it. It worked like a charm. We took him out to dinner at the Chinese Restaurant. It was his first time eating there. He was impressed, and says he knows where to eat when he returns to Labasa. Rex returned later to help him dismantle everything. It will have a few trial runs getting it all back together before the real thing. In the process of all that, a part of Rex's key chain broke with all his temporary keys including the specialized church keys. He realized it when he saw a key lying in his lap. He found all of them except the key to our gate. It was lost somewhere between our flat and town. We looked but we couldn't find it. Rex bought a new padlock, and had Brother Naidu come help get the lock off. He got it off with four whacks of a hammer. That made us feel safe that it could be removed that easily, but at least we were able to get back into our flat. Afterwards, Rex told me he had a feeling earlier that day that he should move the key to the gate onto the main key chain, but he was in too big of a hurry to do it right then. Experiences like this act as a reminder that we should always listen and act immediately when we get a prompting and are told to do something good. We felt like it was a tender mercy that the specialty keys to the church were not lost even though they were the first in line to fall off.
 Our district, plus all the Sisters from our Zone met for an afternoon of playing and celebrating before the Sisters leave to help with the temple open house. We had a special dinner with entrees of my barbecued beef and also chicken simmered in a special soup and mango nectar sauce cooked by Elder Luatua. It was heavenly. Afterwards we had cake and ice cream and played party games. It will be the last time we will be together with some of these missionaries. We get a little relief by saying, "We'll see you at the temple!" since we will all be going there for the Suva Temple celebration and rededication. I have taught them all my high sign so they can listen for my call.

We were also celebrating Sister Hogland's birthday. We had balloons and everything!

We got up early this morning and drove all the Sisters from our zone to the airport. They will be flying to Suva for 3 weeks to help with the Suva Temple Open House. Transfers will happen while they are gone. We fear our sweet Sister Elias, the short one, will not return. We have loved every minute serving closely with her.

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