Sunday, January 3, 2016

    The Nakawakawa Branch stayed, and we enjoyed our New Year’s Day at the church with them. We helped a few adults with Family History and gave their branch counselor a flash drive to take. It included the Self Reliance classes, information, and videos so they could view them without Internet. They had volleyball, basketball, and soccer games going most of the day. To entertain those not playing, Rex made two huge bowls of popcorn, one to eat in the afternoon while watching “Frozen” and the other to enjoy after dinner while watching “Money Making Morons.” There was a lot of laughter. They were a great audience!
     As we were cleaning up, Pita stopped and got really serious. We still have four months left, but thinking of that, he said, “I don’t want to see you go. I don’t want to say goodbye.” That brought a few tears. We love Pita and Nakawakawa.
Working on Self Reliance and Family History. This man leads his branch in both. He is an Electrical Engineer but chooses to stay in his village and farm to help Pita build the church there.

We love the children from Nakawakawa

Rex was proud of this action shot. We couldn't believe that they could play all day long!


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