Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rahul, Kumar, Singh song:
Our experience with BYU Hawaii has come full circle. First we helped Rahul Prakash apply. Elder Kumar saw us helping him, and said, “I would love to go to BYU Hawaii!” and we helped him. They were both accepted, which is really hard for them here. Elder Kumar and is now released and is helping Elder Singh, serving in his area, to apply to BYU Hawaii. Singh is trying to meet the Feb 1 deadline, about a week away. When he couldn’t get into iWorks on the computer, Kumar said, “Call Elder and Sister Woodward!” We get a call from the other island from an Elder we don’t even know asking for assistance. We called admissions in Hawaii to see if iWorks was down. The secretary said, “It works great for me!” However, it wouldn’t work for us. We finally called our sweet friend Janey in admissions; and she sent paper forms for them to fill out, scan, and send back. Elder Singh’s father got involved because it needed his information and documentation from home and a letter from the home bishop. The father emailed us a few times on his progress and called us two times for assistance. We were the go between since he couldn’t talk with his son. We had him email everything directly to Janey. She is the real heroine here. Once it is in her hands, there is no worry. She is competent, and she quickly makes things happen. In the last phone call from Brother Singh in Suva, he revealed that he is Rahul Prakash’s uncle. Rahul and Elder Singh are cousins. There is also now a sweet connection with them and Kumar. In fact, Kumar had just stayed at their home the two days before while he went to an interview with the US Embassy for his Visa. He passed and will be going to BYU Hawaii the end of February. When Brother Singh heard we were serving in Labasa, he said he used to be the Labasa District President, equivalent to a Stake President, over all the LDS branches and groups of our island Vanua Levu and of Taveuni. He also said when we come to Suva, he would love to meet us. His wife cooks some amazing curry. Small world. Great to be part of it! Loving this experience!
Love you!

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