Friday, January 15, 2016

      We had three glorious baptisms today:
     Karuna Wati Singh by Elder Talamai
     Moreen Prasad by Elder Luatua
         Jessica Prasad by Elder Hariprasad
      After the meeting, as the missionaries were shaking their hands, Sister Singh broke into tears of joy. She was so happy! As Rex shook her hand, she grabbed him and gave him a hug.
During some great refreshments, our two prospective sister missionaries from Naduna met us to help them fill out their applications and print out their medical and dental forms. It went well. To let you picture it a little better, I was helping them understand the questions, and Rex was in the background cracking jokes and telling them nonsensical things to put down. They didn’t put anything he suggested, but they did break down laughing quite a few times in the middle of something that is usually pretty serious. He said he thought he was helping! We had a good time. Is it any wonder that everyone loves to be around him? When missionaries transfer here, his reputation has preceded him; and they love him before they even meet him. They have been told about all his great stories and jokes and how he plays with the missionaries and the members.  I have the best companion ever!

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