Sunday, January 3, 2016

     Saturday morning we made another big cookie sheet of brownies as requested by Alvin. He and his older sister were baptized. The missionaries had almost called it off as Cyclone Ula was still threatening, but it was a most glorious day! I love baptisms. I love the spirit there, and I love to see how proud the parents are to watch, even though they aren’t members themselves.
     Just before the service started, Alvin asked me, “Did you bring enough brownies?” I assured him I had. What a sweetheart!
     Near the end of the treats, we noticed Oscar, a nonmember next door to the church, was taking apart his huge portable carport that got blown over in the storm on New Year’s Eve. Rex went and helped him take it apart. He seemed happy for the help.
     Rex decided we should be more prepared in case the cyclone struck. The Elders helped him put plywood on the windows at the landlord’s request; we bought a new propane tank for cooking; we filled water bottles and filled the truck with diesel; and we shopped for groceries. While we were in town, we ate at the Chinese Restaurant. I wish we could bring that place home with us!
     In the last store, we noticed a white lady shopping. She seemed intent on what she was doing so we went past without speaking to her. Later I went back over by her to pick up an item. She saw my name tag and quickly approached me. Lois Smith had been praying that she could find the missionaries to give her daughter-in-law a blessing in the hospital. They are from New Zealand. Her son and Jade had come to Savusavu to attend a wedding, but Jade had gotten deathly ill, and they had raced her to Labasa in an ambulance and done surgery. She had a tube on each side draining fluid off her lungs, and she was in extreme pain when we arrived with the Elders. He son is less active, but was very kind to us. The mother was relieved to see us there, but still very concerned. Rex gave Jade a beautiful blessing.  Lois came to Labasa Fast and Testimony meeting today and sat by us. The insurance is talking of having a doctor from New Zealand fly up to treat her, and then take her back to New Zealand. Lois felt it was a tender mercy that she had found us. She was right. We don’t usually shop at that store. 

Alvin and Bernadette Erasito got baptized January 2, 2016
Their mother came. They all loved the day and the treats.
Rex helping Oscar

Our Missionaries  (with one boy extra)- a fun group
Elder Sieberts helping cover the windows. Gotta love him!

The Elders made short work of covering the windows with plywood.
They are always willing to serve.

We love you!

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