Thursday, January 1, 2015

    Jan. 2, 2015
   Tuesday we had our district meeting after which we always go out and eat with the missionaries at a restaurant. It is crazy, but it is cheaper to eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant than it is to buy groceries. It costs us $3.50-$4.50 each US dollars for a huge meal.
   We also inspected all the missionary flats and took inventory of repairs or supplies needed. We have been asked by Elder Terry to buy and deliver them.
     I love celebrating every day twice! We had our New Year's Eve two days ago. The highlight was visiting Roop and his sister at the rest home. The workers feed and house them there, but we have never seen any activities. We took the Toss Up dice game. The people recognize us when we come, and we have about 6 people who join in. The others sitting around hear the laughter and cheering, and it seems to brighten their day, too. This time we decided to include Roop's sister. She is very handicapped and basically pulls herself around on the wooden floor with her one good hand. She doesn't talk, but she seems to know what's going on, and she laughs with joy. Since many are in wheelchairs, we have the lid of a Styrofoam box we play on so we can pass it around without a table. Each time it was Roop's sister turn, Rex put the lid on the floor and then placed the ten dice into her crippled hand so she could shake them. She was having the time of her life. Her contagious laugh made us all laugh. Roop's eyes were sparkling. He was happy that she was able to play and was having so much fun. We played two games. She won them both! She was so very happy.
     We had a Happy New Year's Day yesterday. We had our first activity with the youth of the ward and the missionaries. While the boys played soccer, I taught the sisters how to play Golf with number cards, and also Toss Up which they enjoyed.
     Afterwards we all played party games. At the end, a big family from another branch here on the island saw the church lights on and joined in the fun. Since they had small children, we played "Pussie Wants a Corner" and "Do You Love Your Neighbor?" - a new game the missionaries taught us. There was lots of smiling and laughing! It was a good night. We will try to meet and play with the youth once a week.
    We need help in compiling a list of all the party games we can play.
     Enjoy your day!

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