Monday, January 19, 2015

January 20, 2015
  We are well and loving our time here in Fiji. Sorry we haven't written often lately. I'm trying to create a data base of our branch members. Rex says we have 99 who are coming and 643 who are lost! 
   We just got a new Relief Society President after not having one for over a month. Our old one just moved out of town one day without warning. When we arrived at church, we were told she was gone so someone else filled in and had everyone help read the lesson. Our new president is excited and ready to create visiting teaching lists. Just to give a picture of how massive this is 742 members on the list, and only 8 coming to primary. Most heads of households are single or with just a spouse listed, 40 pages to type from with names I can't even pronounce, let alone spell such as Emali Qomate Naikatabua Ritova To further the challenge, it is in tiny type so I have to wear reading glasses, but they only work for up to a foot away so I have to prop the papers up close to me to read, and then the computer screen further away is blurry.It's almost comical the shuffling I have to do. I already had the active families typed in so now, as I look at the list, I have to see which I already have and what I need to insert, and the church list is not exactly in alphabetical order. For me to do this without short term memory is absolutely insane. 
   I have it half done. We have a full day of other responsibilities today, including district meeting, visiting Roop and his sister at the Rest Home, and helping a young girl type all her mission papers online and scan everything in for her to submit.
    I need to finish ithis project before my appointment wth the Relief Society President tomorrow night.The goal is to show her two lists, one sorted by last name and the other by area. She will help me work on the lists further, telling me if she knows of any others who have moved and giving me any extra contact information. Then back to the drawing board. We need similar help from the other auxilliary leaders. When this is done, they will assign visiting and home teachers to go out and find who is still here and who has moved so we can clean up these records and take better care of our little flock still here.
     Ok, back to work. Here I go...Don't hold me back!
     We are thankful for all your prayers! As you can tell, I need them! 
     We love you!

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