Friday, January 23, 2015

Rex wrote:
On Tuesday the 20th of  January, after district meeting and lunch, we went to the rest home.  Elder Read had left head phones and a small music player to give Roop’s sister.  She was so excited to receive her gift. She listened while we played. 
There was a lady in a wheelchair. Her one arm was withered and useless, and she had only one leg. We asked if she wanted to play. The worker at the home answered for her and said, “ She is not able to play.  She can’t play.”
Betty turned to me and said, “I think she could play! She has one good hand.” 
The next time as we went around the circle of players,  We asked her if she wanted to play. She never talked, just shook her head no. Betty still insisted to me that she should be able the play. The next time around, I took the Styrofoam tray and put it on the armrest of her wheelchair and put the cup of colored dice in front of her. She got a little smile on her face and picked up the cup with her good hand and started playing.
She had a great time. She went on a streak of 79, and her little smile started looking like that of Mona Lisa. The workers seem to be amazed at what their patients can do. It seems we are the only entertainment these people have.
We have decided to change the rules to the game for the people in the rest home. This is hard on me since I have never changed any rule to any game in the past.
The rules were that you had to stop before you got a red without a green or you lost all your points.  These people never want to stop, even if they get a red.  From now on we will let them shake until they get the red without a green. We will still have them stop, but record all their points. We will go three rounds, and the winner is the one with the most points.
After the rest home we rushed to our flat, got everything we need to scan, and helped Lily St John finish filling out her mission papers. It was fun. 
It was a full day, and we came home tired, but feeling very good about all we had done. It's all worth it! Every day when we go out in the truck, Betty yells excitedly, "Hello, Fiji!"

Love you all!

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