Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jan. 6, 2015
     The missionaries hiked to the top of a mountain called the Three Sisters. We were going to stay home since I couldn't make the hike, but we got a call from the Sisters that they needed a ride. I thought we would just drop them off, come home, and go get them when they called. We  took our phone, and Rex grabbed his HP tablet-- no water, food, or computers to work on. We drove forever on bumpy dirt roads until we were pretty high up. While they hiked, we sat in the truck for a while, but it got too hot so in seeking shade, we climbed the hill a ways and found some huge lava rocks and a nice tree to sit under. It was just the right temperature and beautiful. We visited and played.
District before their hike to the top of the mountain called the 3 Sisters.
Little did we know then that transfers would take all but 3 of this group.
During their hike, it poured down rain, turning their trail to mud. Afterwards, clouds almost hid the big mountair

      After over an hour, a man came up behind us making no sound. It almost scared me to death when he started talking. He is the owner of the land. He stayed and visited with us the whole rest of the time they were hiking. He is Muslim, a good man. The tree protected us from the light rain, but when it started raining hard, he took us under the protection of the big rocks and kept us enthralled with his stories.
     The missionaries finally came down, totally soaked, tired, and muddy We drove the girls home and waited in the truck while they showered and changed and drove them back to town to the Internet Café where they write letters home. We were gone almost six hours. 
     Even though I hadn't hiked, I was exhausted. Rex made me a delicious chicken dinner including fresh long green beans. He did a great job for it being his first time here cooking chicken. It is the only meat we really eat here, and it's expensive, but we splurge and enjoy it.
Notice how long these are, and they are young and tender!

   We've started on lessons for Sunday. They don't ask. They just expect us to have them ready and turn the time over to us. Last Sunday we had a total of 11 in attendance, and a yellow cat joined the group.
     Love you!

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