Monday, January 19, 2015

It has been a whirlwind since the new year began. If you don’t hear much from us, it just means we are well and very busy!

Before transfers, our district consisted Labasa Elders Read/Brouwer; Sisters Kaititi/Heitonga; our Hindi elders Elders Raju/Palelei, who got here last transfer; and our Seaqaqa Elders Motuliki/Delfin . We knew Elder Read, our district leader, was going home. We had asked him to teach Elder Brouwer, who just got here on the last transfer, everything he could about the people of this area. When transfers came, we found that Brouwer was going as well with no one to replace them, basically a white wash. Then we found out that Sister Katiti, the one who had been here the longest and knew the people the best was leaving. Then we were totally shocked when we heard the day of transfers both our Seaqaqa Elders were leaving. Out of our district, we only have the Hindi Elders and Sister Heitonga left. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t do well with surprise. Last Tuesday I was in total shock. We have gotten so close to all these wonderful young people. I love their exuberance, their smiles and their examples. We will miss them so very much. We wish them every happiness in their lives ahead.

Tuesday Jan. 13, We said goodbye to all the Elders at the airport the same time we were picking up the new Senior Couple, the Harwards from the airport. We brought them to our flat where they picked up the Walker’s /now their truck. We led them down 1 ½ hours to Savusavu to their flat. The landlord next door said they were 2 days early so the water tank was empty –no water. They had also piled all the furniture in the hallway to resurface the floor so Rex helped arrange the front room. Then we all met the Roths at a restaurant for dinner. We ordered steak, not at all like the wonderful beef at home. We visited a while and returned at 10 PM to their flat. We shone our lights on the house and waited for them to turn the lights on, but it didn’t happen. As Brother Harward came out to get the landlord, Rex went inside and found a portable lamp. They had repainted and taken out the electricity to the lights. Earlier, the Harwards had opened one of their suitcases to get our print cartridges out. When they opened the suitcase to unpack it, a huge live cockroach was inside. In fact, upon inspection, they found cockroaches scattering everywhere, and they had gecko poop in all their cupboards and drawers. To top it off, because it was near the air conditioner and the bedroom was blazing hot, she had to sleep on the couch which had basically no cushion . Not a very good welcome.

   While they were struggling, the Roth’s treated us like royalty as we stayed overnight with them. They insisted we have their bedroom, and they had had fresh towels with a caramel on top of each one  and chilled bottled water and cups on the dresser-- just like a fancy hotel. The next morning, they treated us to a wonderful breakfast. We love those two.

   We visited for a while, until we could see they needed to get back to work. The Harwards were still unpacking and waiting for the electrician so we spent a couple hours walking and enjoying the beach below their house. It was tough duty.  Rex had brought along the portable Internet so we sat by the beach and called Rose and Kaye. (Yes, we splurged! We spent $7/month to be able to call home through Skype, mostly to visit with Kaye, but if you want a call, let us know on email& we will try to get back with you.)

   When they were finally unpacked with lights working, we went with them to meet Roths in town and have lunch with them. Then we showed them where the grocery stores and market were and went shopping with them. We found he was in the church CES and taught seminary for 35 years. They served with President Layton and his wife in Tonga 10 years ago, and Layton handpicked them to come to Fiji to have Brother Harward serve as a counselor in the Mission Presidency. They were supposed to arrive in March, but their mission was expedited to now. They live in Mountain Green, Utah. They also have 6 children, 3 boys 3 girls. 26 grandchildren. His name is Ron. Hers is Betty. R&B Harward instead of R&B Woodward. He even went to the exact same mission as Rex, Northern States, 9 years before. They are an amazing couple full of excitement and love of the Gospel. He is not afraid to open his mouth. The people of Fiji will love them.
Love you all! Take care!

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