Saturday, January 24, 2015

Jan 24, 2015
   The sisters have to walk everywhere they go or get a bus or taxi. Since Sister Katiti left, they have asked us much more often for rides to the more remote areas of town. We are talking 20 minutes or more driving, usually on gravel, bumpy roads. I can’t imagine having to walk that far. Yesterday they asked for a ride at 8 AM. As we were driving, they told us Sister Chand’s daughter needed a blessing, and she couldn’t contact the Elders. We dropped them off and went to the home. It was a spiritual treat to start our day.
   I am grateful to be married to an amazing man who is worthy at any moment to give a priesthood blessing. I have a testimony of these blessings. They have literally saved my life several times and made my life bearable at times when anxiety or sickness ruled. They calmed me, brought peace and love, and let me put priorities back into place that I could accomplish whatever I needed to do.
   I often think back with gratitude of the time Rex blessed my father after his major stroke. Dad had fallen outside and been unconscious for some time before Mom was prompted to go out and find him. We met them in the hospital. Dad still had straw in his hair as Rex gave the blessing. It looked as if Dad would not survive that experience, but Rex was prompted to say that he would live many more years to enjoy the fruits of his posterity. Afterwards, as Rex talked to me, he was concerned that he had said those words as the prognosis did not seem positive; but the Lord has a plan, and we are just instruments in His hands to make it come to pass. Dad survived that experience, got his speech back, and lived another seven years surrounded by loved ones. Again, I love priesthood blessings!

Love you all!

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