Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jan 29, 2015
We bought a new small ball for Annie I Over. It was tiny green and yellow soccer ball. When we examined it further, it had little Brazilian Flags all over it. It made us think of Ray, Brad, and Daniel who went to Brazil on their missions.
The sisters told us one of their appointments is with one of the waitresses from the Chinese Restaurant we frequently go to. When they asked if she knew the Senior Missionary Couple, she said, “Sweet and Sour?” Crazy what it takes to get new investigators. We are praying she will accept the Gospel.

The other night the sisters asked for a ride to a dinner appointment. Lily St. John was directing us. To let you know how isolated this place was, it is in Siberia. After driving into the wrong yard once and excusing ourselves, we finally asked directions. When we thought we were in the right place, we stopped the truck at the base of a narrow lane that went up a little hill, and asked the girls if they could walk. Then we asked how they were going to get home. They just shook their heads. Instead of leaving, we sat at the base of the road, just in case it was the wrong house. The family saw us, and the head of the house came down and invited us to dinner. It seems they altered their original plan since it was at least 1 ½ hours before dinner was served. I think they delayed dinner to cook a special pan of fish just for us. We could tell we were being honored. It was also our first experience tasting bread fruit. I had heard it was terrible, but I actually quite liked it. It didn't have much flavor, but it went well with the fish. Rex was wasn't complimentary as he talked with me later, saying it just tasted like a wedge of starch. Their home is almost like a little paradise of its own. The air was clean and the view breathtaking. While we waited, we got to look at the beautiful stars. No Big Dipper and North Star here since we are on the other half of the hemisphere. At first it was cloudy, and we could only see a few; but the sky cleared, and we were able to see them in their full glory. One constellation they are proud of is shaped like a fan. I love that no matter where we are in the world, Heavenly Father’s wonders are immeasurable. I love drinking in the beauty.
Love you all!

I love to see the sunrise. This is from our front porch.

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