Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jan. 22, 2015
We were asked to write a blurp about ourselves. Since this Blog is to record our mission, I thought I would include it just for fun.
Elder Rex and Sister Betty Lou Woodward
We both come from a family of 8 children and were raised on farms in Franklin and Preston, Idaho. We fell in love in a high school chemistry class. Rex says there was a lot of chemistry in that class! We dated for a year and a half before Rex went to the Northern States Mission in the US. He proposed at the end of our first night together when he got home. He told me that if I married him, life would never be boring, and it never has! He has a way of making everything in life fun. We were married December 27, 1973 in the Logan, Utah Temple.
We both attended BYU in Provo, Utah. I got my associates degree, and Rex graduated with his bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Rex showed his great faith as we built a new house on the family farm in Franklin before he got his first job as a school teacher. He taught 6th grade for 37 years, specializing in World History. His goal was to make the history come alive. Students who hated school coming into his class, learned to love it. The students’ favorite was when he dressed as Homer and told the 6th grade version of the Illiad and the Odyssey. He was a beloved and cherished teacher. He received many recognitions and honors including the Jon Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education.
We have 6 wonderful children- 3 sons and 3 daughters; and 24, soon to be 25 grandchildren.They are the love and joy of our lives.
Rex is creative. When we had little money, he invented and built wooden toys for our kids-marble shooting tanks, balers, harvesters, etc. He even built them a milk bottle raft so they could raft the river. After our parents helped us build our home, Rex worked in construction and later helped build houses for friends and family. He never asked for money, but asked them to pass it on. He ran the family farm, and in his spare time wrote and acted in 8 community melodramas. He also wrote 3 movie scripts, one of which he directed, produced, and acted in himself.
We have both served in many callings in the LDS Church. I was a Teacher, Primary Songleader, Primary and Relief Society Secretary, Stake Cultural Arts Specialist, Scout Advancement Chairman, Cubmaster, Ward Programs, Ward History, Ward Website, and Italian Extraction 13 years. Rex was softball and basketball coach, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Young Men’s Counselor, Teacher’s Advisor, Young Men’s President, Ward Clerk, High Counselor, 1st Counselor in the Bishopric, and Young Men’s President again. The youth love him because he’s like Peter Pan. He’s never grown up and loves playing games. He taught our children how to work hard, how to play hard, and how to love the Gospel. Life is a glorious adventure. We love serving our mission in Fiji!

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