Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jan 20, 2015

Rex wrote:
Betty is working hard at a near impossible job to bring order to the chaos that is the Labasa Branch records. The addresses are too many times just the neighborhood or the road they live on if that, and the directions often include a mango tree.  She has been on it two days now. She says it will only be one moreETERNITY until she is done. While she attacks the records, I am preparing for Priesthood and Sunday School lessons, which surely will come next Sunday. I also take computer in lap and write somewhat of what is going on here.

We got to meet the new missionaries from Seaqaqa.  One is from New Zealand and the other Elder Barns from Eugene, Oregon. They look as if they will be fun to work with.

In zone training the other day, we played an interesting relay race.  Each companionship made a team. Betty even played. One member of the team was on one side of the rugby field and the other out of bounds on the other side.
It was a race.  The first teammate was given a garlic bulb.  The goal was to deliver the bulb quickly and safely to the Zone Leaders. On go each team was to get the bulb to their teammate who could not cross the line onto the field until they had the bulb. To be fast, the first teammate ran part way across the field then threw the bulb toward their mate. Even if the teammate missed the bulb, he/she could pick it up, if it went past the line, and run it back to the Zone Leaders on the opposite side of the field. Betty made a perfect throw, and of course I made an inspiring catch. This went very fast with little loss of bulbage.  The second race was with raw eggs. For some reason this relay was slower than the first. Most teammates ran carefully across the field and handed the egg to their mates, who then ran carefully back to the Zone leaders.  Only one team threw the egg any distance and with bad results. 
The lesson to be learned was how do we use our time.  Do we treat it like a garlic bulb that we don’t value much. Something to be tossed with little regard? Or do we treat time as a fragile and more valued gift to be treated carefully and wisely. The lesson could have been lost on me since my eggshell lays broken and forgotten on the grassy field. Not really. 
Our egg was returned in perfect shape. 
Betty was my teammate, and she is good.
Love you all!

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