Sunday, May 17, 2015

 Farewell send off to missionaries:  
They have a tradition here to give a send off to missionaries leaving from the ward and missionaries serving in the ward who are leaving to go home.The last Sunday they are here, they speak and after the closing prayer, they have the missionary come to the front, and everyone stands and sings "God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again." For President St. John's daughter Lily it was during District Conference, and President Layton invited her up and had everyone sing. It always brings a lot of tears. The day after District Conference, on May 4, the youth got together to have the party. They played volleyball and outdoor games and had treats to say farewell to Lily. She will be serving in the Philippines. They celebrated all afternoon and into the evening.
Sister Kora, Lily St. John, Sister Eneri and a couple little darlings at Lily's Farewell Party
     Last Friday was the farewell party for Sister Eneri. In the middle of the Youth Activity, the Relief Society brought her in and had a short program and refreshments. Then we finished the activity. Sunday was her last talk. She did great, as always. She is from Christmas Island. I held up pretty well during the farewell song until it hit me that I probably never will see her again in this life. She has been so special to us. We love her so much! We will never forget her.
Treats and tuna sandwiches for Sister Eneri's farewell party

Regulars at our activities. Love them all! We will all miss Sister Eneri.
Sister Eneri's last Sunday with Sister Kori and me. They requested I wear the dress they gave me. 
It has a skirt underneath that gives it a layered look. 

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