Friday, May 22, 2015

     Transfers come far too often and are very hard on us. We become very close to these young missionaries, feel of their great strength, watch them grow, and then watch them leave, always with a few tears. Sister Eneri, our darling sister, and Elder Peary, our Zone leader, went home. Our Elder Raju and Elder Palelei got transferred to separate areas of the big island, Viti Levu.
Our new Zone leader will be Elder Utai working with Elder Gunderson. We have two new district leaders in Labasa – Elder Kumar and Elder d’Aquin; Sister Kora has a new companion, Sister Fiu; and Elder Nuku, who used to be our District Leader, has a new companion, Elder Nabuti from Christmas Island to work with him in Seaqaqa.  He’s the one we gave our camera to at the hospital and asked him to take a few shots of video. He’s a funny man. We used almost everything he shot. It was the highlight of our DVD. We  handed out our mission DVD’s. Everyone who has seen the DVD has enjoyed it. We spent most of yesterday and today helping with transportation. There were so many coming and going that it looked like a missionary convention at the airport. 
     We also bought the paint for our next service project. We will go Monday to paint the Nakawakawa chapel and the missionary flat attached to it. Their group leader, Pita Vakalala, wanted a chapel where the people could meet and didn’t want to wait for the church to build it. He built it himself, probably much larger than they would have built it, and paid for it with his own money. He wanted to ensure that they always have missionaries present to teach, baptize, and support the members so he built the missionary flat onto it. The ply board they used for the walls has never been painted, and is starting to weather. Painting it will be a wonderful service. We are very excited. We will come home and report.
Love you all!

Elder Palelei and Elder Raju give final goodbye to the beloved Chetty Family
Sister Eneri  at farewell party given by Relief Society

Sisters Tago, Eneri, Kora, and Aumua. Sister Eneri and Sister Aumua are leaving.
Final Goodbyes

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