Sunday, May 3, 2015

Our youth activities are incredibly successful. We have an average of 40 including branch youth, nonmembers, investigators, and some parents --playing volleyball, soccer, and basketball, watching, or just visiting on the sidelines. Often the missionaries meet with investigators and teach them before the activity. Fellowshipping is at its best.
One night the youth playing basketball were especially creative. They were divided into two teams. At the end of each game, the winning team gave the losing team a challenge such as sit ups, push ups, etc. The most creative one we saw was having the losers join in a circle, hold the leg of the one next to them about waist  high, and hop around and around on one foot. They were laughing so hard, and those of us watching were totally entertained. I heard they were all so sore the next day from all the exercise.
Love you!

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