Friday, May 8, 2015

Back Biting! One morning, as Rex was getting ready to shower, I saw something big and black on the back of his shoulder. I jumped up to look and  quickly escorted Rex into the bathroom where I could get some tissue, grab it off and throw it into the toilet to flush. It was a two inch worm-like creature but with legs. It was curled up and latched on.. It had made quite the trail. I doctored his shoulder with antibiotic, and it is mostly healed now-a week later.It sounds trivial, but I know Heavenly Father is helping me on this mission in even the small things. I was able to keep my cool and do what needed to be done without even screaming.
This is what it looked like after we got the creature off. Rex says its a good example of Back Biting!

      I have seen a couple of these since crawling on the floor and quickly gotten rid of them. They are not nice. I find myself wiping myself off and checking under the covers before we get into bed. We took a movie of this first to see if anyone knows what it is.

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