Saturday, May 16, 2015

ZTM in Savusavu:
On Mother’s Day in the US. We got to talk with Becky and Roxi before we picked up the Sisters and Elder Palelei and drove to Savusavu for Zone Training Meeting. Our district had made matching tshirts for the occasion. 
The zone activity started at 2:30 PM with volleyball, soccer, rugby, frizbee, and ping pong. During a break, we wrote a farewell note in Sister Eneri’s missionary book. She will be going home next week. Next we had chicken curry for dinner, and after that was Zone Training until 9 PM.

Here are a few of my notes from Zone Training Meeting:
An Effective Missionary Has a Positive Attitude
Be Happy, Diligent, have love & charity, be cheerful, shake hands, be excited, smile, be organized; gain Christ-like attributes;
Negative Attitude- inadequacy, low self-esteem, hypocritical, lazy; I can’t do it, fear, it doesn’t matter, doubts, depression, hopelessness
You are more than adequate. You are amazing! You are motivated, and the Lord helps you have the strength to do what you need to do. Have faith. You can do it! If you do your best, it will always be enough!
“If we do what we are meant to do, we will succeed.”
Blessings from being positive;
·       Attitude is a choice.
·       Attitude determines your action. Actions speak louder than words.
Christlike attributes such as Hope, faith, and knowledge are gifts from God. 
Pick out one Christlike Attribute you would like to develop.
Use your free agency righteously.
·       People will admire your positive attitude.
·       Maintaining your positive attitude is better than regaining one.
Maintain Standards; start your day strong, keep the Spirit strong;

  • Help tend and take care of Recent Converts. Introduce them to the ward & leaders. Treat them like a newborn child. Help them find friends who will nurture them.
As we use our free agency, we need to be responsible and reliable by taking ownership of our actions. Missionaries are responsible for following the rules, being obedient, working their assigned areas, keeping the area books up to date, and doing the Lord’s work. We are doing something special here as we share the Gospel.
We are responsible for all our choices.
Be diligent. Work hard and move forward each day. Do what you have to do. Stretch forward. Wake up in the morning & have the desire to do something amazing.
Don’t wait to be ordered in all things. See what needs to be done, and do it.
Example – Nephi getting the brass plates. I will go, I will do the things the Lord commands ….
“Taking responsibility on our mission will help us take responsibility in our lives after we return home.”
Be a leader; take charge; be organized. Always pray. Have the Spirit with you always to teach & learn. Have patience. Practice with the Spirit.
Be a sponge; Absorb; ask questions.

Fiji MissionVision
Be obedient. Without a vision, you perish.
  1. Grow as missionaries Reach your full potential. Grow. Change. Develop. Become a better person, a better missionary. Study and build testimony and spirituality. Take every opportunity to learn. Know your purpose and don’t let anything stop you. Humble yourself. Believe in yourself. You can do it. Have faith the Lord will help you.
  1. As you grow spiritually, you can help others become saints through Baptism & returning to church
  2. You have the tools- Key indicators, lessons, scriptures.
 One nonmember was impressed when she came to church that the important church leaders were shaking hands with the regular people and also with the little children, including her children.
  1. How are we doing catching the Mission Vision? Have we caught the Mission Vision?
  2. As we grow, we will help the saints. As we help the Saints, we will grow.
  3. Do our best. Do our part.
  4. We need to give more lessons.
  5. 99% of success comes from preparation & planning.
  6. Stay in one area as long as you can to be more efficient. Don’t have back to back appointments across town from each other.
  7. Fast and pray
  8. Talk to everyone you meet
  • Make things happen instead of waiting for things to happen
Somosomo had a big barbeque for everyone including nonmembers and investigators where they watched “Meet the Mormons.” Much interest and many referrals came from that.

Give short lessons. President Layton challenges us to give 20 lessons a week.

 “Staying together as companions saves missionaries.” Be listening and be involved in the conversations. Be aware.

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