Saturday, May 16, 2015

Staying with Roths & Hospital Service Project.

Staying with Roths & Hospital Service Project:

Brother and Sister Roth let us stay with them for two nights. Again, they gave us their bedroom and had it with all the niceties of a fancy hotel. We love them!
Tuesday morning we woke up to an amazing breakfast. Since Sister Roth does most of the Humanitarian work on the computer and telephone, brother Roth does all the cooking and house cleaning.  He does a wonderful job.

We met at the Savusavu hospital at 10 AM to begin preparing the hospital for painting. We had to clean, scrape off the old paint that wasn’t clinging on tightly, and wash walls. . We were instructed to focus on work and remember whom we represent. We wore P day clothes & our missionary badges. It was a huge job, and everyone worked really hard. After two days, we had finished what we went to do, and we went home. The Savusavu missionaries were going back a third day to do more painting the hospital had requested when they saw we had paint left over. We have pictures, and Rex made a short DVD for the missionaries! He will have copies made by next Thursday when Sister Eneri and Elder Peary go home.

They divided us into groups to start, giving each an assignment.

Rex with Help International Volunteers who donated funds and worked hard with much expertise!

Elder Harward with Elder Peary and Elder Utai our Zone Leaders who thought of and spearheaded this huge service project. They went to businesses and collected over $1000 of supplies.

Elder Raju

They had to clean all the benches before they painted them.

 My girls - Kora and Eneri

 What a difference just the cleaning made!
 Notice the Eaves. In so much need of a facelift!
The rain gutters were full of dirt, etc. and had to be cleaned

They even cleaned the roof

 Rex helped replace all the screens
Painting trim for the screens

 The girl in white is a recently returned missionary. I was so impressed with all her skills and willingness to jump in and do jobs even hard for men. She pounded nails and did repairs. She says women in Fiji have to know how to do everything so they can get married. Much is expected of them.
 The first night as we got into the truck to leave, I looked back to see how everything looked when I saw this storage shed front and center. They hadn't planned on painting it. I insisted that it definitely needed it. 
Much better. Wouldn't you agree?
Rex helped fix a broken water line.

 Rex with the roller. I love how everyone looks up to him for his knowledge and know how. He helped in about every facet of the project, even laying new tile on the floors.
All the poles got a face lift.

Happy with their work! They roped the tree and tied it to a truck to keep it away from the wet paint.

Some of us had to supervise!

Looking Better!

 Know as a "clean freak." Very capable. She will be a great wife and mother!

Elder Raju and Sister Eneri.

Sister Roth and Sister Eneri

Done for the second day! They love to pose!
These two were a great help to Rex.
Rex and the hospital worker designing and cutting a new replacement thresh hold with a circular saw.
This needs great precision!
Looks Brand New!
They had extra paint so they painted the whole back.

After everyone else was done the second day, Brother Roth still working.


Rex built thie closest thresh hold. 

All clean. All done!

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