Thursday, December 18, 2014

I have always been impressed by the youtube video about Elder Nelson when he almost died in a plane crash. It was actually a big 2 prop airplane just like the one we flew on into Lambasa. When we were at the airport to see the Walkers off on the plane, their good friends President Petero of the District Presidency, and Sister Petero of the District Women's Auxiliaries Presidency (Relief Society, Young Women & Primary), came to visit them. After the Walkers boarded, we were standing outside, behind the rope by side of the runway, to wave goodbye as the plane took off. We had a good visit with them, and we heard another account of President Nelson's story. Brother Petero said he was flying on that same plane. When it went into a spiral, he too knew they were going to crash into the ocean. He thought better the ocean than crashing into a mountain. At least we have a heart surgeon onboard. Then he thought, no with Elder Nelson and all these church leaders onboard, we will be okay. At the same time Sister Petero was at home. She had a feeling something terrible was going to happen and started praying with all her heart. It was incredible to hear of their great faith. Two weeks later that same plane did crash into the ocean.
Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them - YouTube

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