Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dec. 21, 2014
     Don's wish for us before we left on our mission is that we learn humility. Being with the people of Fiji, we are indeed feeling humble. Our assignment from the district for the next few weeks is to go to another branch that is struggling. President and Sister Petero rode with us to introduce us to the Naduna branch. The branch meets up on a hill in a open shelter they rent on someone's farm.  The view was spectacular from the inside looking out over the valley, and the weather perfect, just a slight breeze to keep us cool enough. Besides the 4 of us, there were the 1st counselor in the branch presidency, the elder's quorum president, and one other man, Douglas. Near to the end of the lesson, a woman who is struggling with breast cancer and her daughter walked up the hill and joined us. 9 total, no children. Two broods of chickens and a rooster took turns walking by. Rex said it reminded him how Christ said he would gather us under his wings as a chicken gathereth her chicks. 2 dogs were also present. By the middle of sacrament meeting 1 of the dogs had left, and the other was asleep at the base of the pulpit. Rex said the one that slept was qualified to be a high priest. We had a Priesthood-Relief Society combined lesson. Rex gave the power point he had prepared for the Labasa branch. He did an excellent job. For sacrament meeting we, along with the Peteros were asked to speak and bear our testimonies. We were the whole program. We are learning, growing, and counting our many blessings! After the services, the lady with cancer asked for a blessing. Rex anointed and Pres. Petero gave a beautiful blessing. Two of the other men stood in. The blessing was in Fajian, but we could feel the strong, comforting spirit.
   Take care, everyone.
    We love you!

I took the picture from back to get the pretty purple blossoms. The view was prettier from the inside. The farmer sprayed the grass around the building to kill it so it wouldn't be too tall to walk through.
 Look on the far side to see the green. The sky here is as pretty as the ocean.

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