Friday, April 24, 2015

The night after his granddaughter was confirmed, Brother Salabogi invited us to come for Family Home Evening at their home. He wanted Rex to talk to his sons on why they should come to church. They a currently coming only once a month if even that much. We are trying to help Brother Salabogi’s community get a water tank, and he looks up to and respects Elder Woodward. Their home sits on a hill and seems to be its own hidden paradise. The air seems cleaner. The stars are brighter. The Spirit in the home is strong and peaceful.  We always feel welcome there.
For Family Home Evening, Rex gave a lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day Holy, on the importance of attending church and honoring the Lord on His special day, and how partaking of the sacrament helps us remember the Savior, renews our baptismal covenants, and is a way of being forgiving of our sins. He showed a short video expressing why we should go to church each week and how incredible it is that we are made clean each week as we partake of the sacrament.  After the lesson, they served lemonade and lemon pie made for the lemons they grow.

We played the bomb game with them. They loved it and laughed when the bomb exploded on me three times in a row. Next we taught them the game Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They had never played it before. They missed almost every other time a name or number was said. They laughed so hard. Josefa was having a laugh attack. He was literally rolling on the floor for five minutes before we could go on. They got better as we went on, laughing each time someone missed. They loved having us there and didn't want us to leave. Brother Salabogi said he wanted us to come back again. It was a wonderful evening.

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