Saturday, April 11, 2015

 We met the Roths to talk with Brother Salabogi about helping his neighbors get a water tank. He is part of a group of about 8 families in Karim Point, Siberia, with 44 people. Seven of the houses are fairly close together. Most are on the public water system, but 2 homes are each only on a well. During the dry season - May through September - the well is usually dry, and they have no water. They wash their clothes in the river and come to this member’s house to get drinking water. He always shares unless his public water is gone, too, which happens during high usage before and after school. His water bill gets really high, but he never charges them. He is hoping they can have access to a water tank to fill their needs that they may be more independent.  I had a good visit with a neighbor in his little secluded tropical paradise while they walked down to see the well. They were not impressed. They visited with some of the other neighbors, and the Roths believe a water tank would be a good solution. We will help submit a written application and see how it goes.
After the visit, we treated the Roths to lunch at the Chinese Restaurant where we eat once or twice a week. A Chinese couple owns the restaurant. They don’t speak much English. When we first came, the wife was always solemn and cross, almost to the point of wanting to throw something or someone. She never smiled, and the waitresses complained about her bad attitude. It seemed to help when we spent $300 ($150 American) there for the food for Zone Conference and that we smile when we come in and thank them profusely every time as we pay after the meal. Now whenever she sees us, she is all smiles. I love that we could help change her countenance and make her happy.
     Sister Eneri and Sister Kora were invited to the Narayan’s for Family Home Evening and dinner. We had the pleasure of driving them. The wife and Sister Eneri are both from Christmas Island. They had a blast talking to each other in their native language. We had a lesson on Christ as the Good Shepherd. Afterwards each of us bore our testimony. We played the Bomb game going around the circle the first round saying what we were thankful for. Then we named kinds of trees, and finally people from the Book of Mormon. We had dinner, and as with the Chetty’s, I invited them to eat with us as a family. They graciously accepted, and we ate together. She is a great cook. After dinner, Rex pulled out the Toss Up game and helped Brother Narayan, his daughter Jessica, and his brother play. (The brother is mentally handicapped. Many have insisted that Brother Narayan put him in the home with Roop and the others, but he is devoted and will care for his brother as long as he can.) They all loved the game. It makes us feel good to see someone play and enjoy who probably seldom gets to play games. It was a good night. As we walked back to the truck, we were greeted with a full moon and a sky full of glorious stars.
Have fun everyone!

Love you!

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