Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 13, 2015
Rex picked our first banana off our tree today. We wanted to share.
We love you all. We are flying to Suva for two days of training. 

I know more now than ever that the Gospel is true, and I love it with all my heart. I am ever grateful for Joseph Smith for having the courage, strength, and dedication to restore the church and give us the Book of Mormon. I am grateful for living prophets and for the gift of personal revelation.  I love my Savior who set the perfect example for me and suffered and died for my sins. I know because of His ultimate sacrifice that if I can live a pleasing life unto Him, our family will be together forever. I am grateful for a loving, caring husband who is indeed my eternal companion. I am grateful for loving friends and family who love and support me. I can feel your prayers as the Lord strengthens me to do this
We are happy and well and loving the people of Fiji.
Have fun and take care!
We love you!
Bite sized banana. Rex said the others aren't quite as big.

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