Thursday, April 23, 2015

Rex Wrote: We were called by President Patero of the District Presidency to find a family who had moved from Seaqaqa to Labasa. He said the father worked on a big farm near the Labasa Airport. On Thursday, April 16th we took Sister Kumar with us to find this family. She is fluent in Fajian and Hindi, and she would talk to the people for us. 
The directions Patero gave us were to drive past the airport road and go to the right on the first big road. Then drive for a while and there would be a big sign with the name on it.  The problems started as we passed the airport and left the paved roads. There were lots of roads going to the right, but all small.  We took the one that looked the largest and followed it until we saw a person.  Sister Kumar asked if he knew the family or the farm.  They didn’t know the family, and he said that the name the family had given us was not the name of the farm, but was the name of the whole area such as Franklin.  We drove many a strange path, and Sister Kumar asked many a farmer.  They all pointed to another place farther down the road to ask someone else. We went down one road that was less traveled.  It was a grassy lane that obviously had not been used by a car or truck in over a year. We found a sweet family at the end of the trail.  They tried to help, but they didn't know the family.  A five-year-old girl came out to the truck with her mother to visit. I asked Betty if she had any Smarties to give the little princess.  She had taken them out of her bag when we went to Suva, but she did have a beautiful red apple.  She gave the little girl the apple, and she bounced and skipped back to the house.  I would be very surprised if she had ever had an apple before in her life. The father and grandfather didn't know the family, but they directed us to the Sector Office where they sign up workers to cut sugar cane. By this time, we had already been looking for three hours. When we saw the sign on the office door saying it was closed for lunch and would not reopen for an hour and a half, we went home.
We had to look on the bright side. We were successful in that we found a lot of places where the family didn't live, and we made one little girl very happy. 
Do something that will make you happy today!
Love you!

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