Sunday, October 18, 2015

     Rex Wrote: President Bull asked me to be in charge of showing all the sessions of Conference at the same times as they had been shown in the United States, just two weeks later. Saturday morning President Bull asked me to get everything set up. He would not be there until the 6 PM priesthood session. His son would bring the key to unlock the sound system and get the DVD’s out of the clerk’s office. We were smart enough to get the big soft seats from on the stand, rather than sit on the hard plastic chairs all day.
     At 10 AM, Betty and I started conference. We were the only ones there. Brother Mahen had come to clean and did sit in on two talks then had to leave early.  We went out to eat between sessions. Betty and I were the only ones there for the 2 PM session. It was just Betty and I in a big chapel, holding hands during conference. It gave us a one-on-one experience with the leaders of the church. Their words hit us hard and touched our souls. It was a good conference. The general theme seemed to be to love and trust the Lord, cling to the atonement, and families can be together forever.
     Between 4 & 6 PM, we helped the young missionaries with transport, and I took Betty back to the flat. I took ice cream and cookies for treats to share with all who came to the priesthood session. I was the only one there. It was a weird feeling hearing how the priesthood was gathered all around the world and sitting there by all by myself. After being spiritually fed, I came home and had a banana split. To the faithful go the spoils!
     On Sunday, we went early and set it all up again. This time we had a chapel full. We showed the English version in one end and the Fijian version in the other. I loved how President Monson bore his fervent testimony with all the energy he had. That was tender to witness. We are truly blessed with amazing leaders. I am grateful for continuing revelation that leads and guides us. We got to meet the three new apostles and hear them talk and bear their testimony.
     During the shorter hour break, the Relief Society served huge 4 x 8” chunks of French-style bread. It was cut in the middle, buttered, and served with cocoa. I think they got day old bread to reduce cost. It was overcooked and hard. Still, it seemed appreciated. We also talked with three students about education classes and status on PEF. We were trying to touch all our bases.
     For the Fijians, we used a big flat TV screen hooked to Betty’s computer. For some reason, the sound was not very loud. We even ran home to get our speakers, but they didn’t work well either. Finally, after Betty experimented a little, she got it to a level she and the members thought was acceptable. We got theirs started first, then started the English one in the chapel. I wasn't quite satisfied, and I had an idea to see if I could make the sound come from the TV and the computer speakers simultaneously. I hit a few buttons, and all I succeeded in doing was making it so the screen went white. There was sound, but no picture. I realized I was in over my head. This was not my computer. I grabbed Betty in the middle of the prayer and had her come rescue me. She pushed one button and restored it back to normal. The Fijians were still laughing when we walked past the open windows back to the chapel. They thought that was hilarious.
    We enjoyed the rest of conference. I loved Elder Bednar’s tribute to the six leaders he had loved and known who have died since he was made an apostle. Conference made my day complete.
    Right after conference, I met with Brother Mahen, and we shipped out 40 records of members who have moved.
Then we got a call from the Sisters asking for a ride to Siberia to the Salabogi’s. While they were giving the lesson, I asked Brother Salabogi if Meri had applied for the passports yet to take the little boy to America. He proudly said,
Yes!” It made my day completer.
     Just then, the Seaqaqa Elders called and asked for transport to Naduna. They are without a truck since theirs is the one that was borrowed and wrecked. We took them and came back to visit and wait for the Sisters. Brother Salabogi asked that I give a priesthood blessing to his young granddaughter who was very sick. It’s always a little frightening, yet amazing. I always try to say what I think Christ would say because it’s His priesthood, power, and authority. That made my day completest.
We hope you are all happy and doing well!
Take care of yourselves & have a party!
Love you!

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