Sunday, October 25, 2015

 More Fiji Firsts!

This is what you call a tire truck. We have no idea why they unloaded all of these tires into the Bible Institute, but they did. Later we saw them loading them back onto the truck. There is a man on top saying "Hi!" Can you find him?

This is a pickup converted into a transport truck with benches and back rests.
Rex asked the owner if he could take a picture, "Ride in Style"

Farmers here decorate their last load of sugar cane, usually with scarecrows, banners, or greenery sticking up. This one is decorated with banana trees.

This sign shows you have the right of way to cross this  one lane bridge.
On the way back is a sign that you have to give way.

One way traffic across the bridge. We always hope no one is coming the other way because they don't always follow the signs. 

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