Saturday, October 10, 2015

When President and Sister Layton were here last doing training, they both had really bad colds. In fact, we had to get into our medical supplies to find Sister Layton an antibiotic the nurse had prescribed. I must have caught their sickness. For the second time on this mission, I am staying home from church. I could go and sit there, but I wouldn’t be able to shake hands with all the men and give hugs to all the women, as I do every week; and I don’t want to get our precious members sick. While I am at home, I have had a little time to reminisce.
When I was a child, we lived on a farm three miles north of Preston. Primary was on weekdays then. Dad teased me and sang this little song, “Primary, primary, you can’t go to primary. Tee Hee Hee.” He was just kidding, but I was devastated. I wanted to go more than anything. I yearned to go more than anything. All my life, I have had that same yearning. Life is just not right when I don’t go to my church meetings. Life is happier when I do.
I treasure the gift of personal revelation to help me in my daily life. I love that I can talk to my loving Father in Heaven through prayer, and He hears me and blesses me. Rex even says that He spoils me.
Even though I have had tingling over most of my body for about 30 years, Heavenly Father always blesses me and strengthens me to do whatever I need to do.  It is through his tender mercies that I am now serving a mission in Fiji and trying to be an instrument in His hands to tell the world the Gospel is true and to help the members and young missionaries here.
We have heard many conversion stories lately. I sometimes feel I missed out on never having that single defining moment when I knew the Church was true. Yet, I am grateful that I have always known it is true. There was never a time in my life that I didn’t know it is true. I testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church on the earth – the only church on earth with all the keys and authority of God. I love that we have a prophet today who receives revelation from God to lead and guide us through these troublesome times. I am ever grateful for a loving Savior who suffered more than we can ever comprehend, and who died that we might live again; a savior who understands our every sadness and adversity and pain because He went through them all for us. I love the Holy Ghost, my perfect and constant companion, who leads, guides, and protects me, who tends and takes care of me and gives me comfort and peace. I am indeed spoiled with the best husband, and family, and friends. Thank you all for your love and support.
I love you forever!

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