Wednesday, October 7, 2015

     We had the privilege yesterday of driving the Nakawakawa elders back home. They had too many things to take home to go on the bus. During our 3 1/2 hour trip, it was fun to get to know them better and hear their stories, and of course they had us tell them many of ours. 
     We stopped at the crash site. I think they needed the extra closure. In better light, we could retrace their tracks. If they had gone off the first side before they over corrected, there was over a 30 foot drop into the stream. I don't think any of them would have walked away. 
First side, looking down. Cameras don't show depth perception well, but it's a long ways down. That was a tall fern palm tree.

On the side they actually went off, if the truck would have slid another 10-15 feet farther down the road, there was a sheer dropped off about 40 feet into the other side of the stream.
Second side even farther. Hard to imagine they missed this.
Shows where it was and where they pulled it out.

     The Elders told us the wreck was in slow motion as if they were outside watching themselves. When they stopped, one door was caved in right next to one elder, and there was a v shaped dent in the top of the cab that was caved in right between them, but didn't hit anyone. 
     The first thing they did when they came to a stop was to see if everyone was okay. Then Elder Boyack said a prayer of thanks, for indeed they knew they had been protected. 
They had to walk a bit to get cell service. Then they tried to call a few times before they thought to send the text. We told them it was a blessing that they had gotten through, since we had not when we called. I guess it was all in the Lord's timing.  It was very spiritual being there again and seeing their gratitude for a loving Heavenly Father for keeping them safe. 
     When we got to Nakawakawa, we had to chuckle at how happy they were to be back to their own apartment. There is no electricity, no inside shower or toilet, just camping in the Bush on top of a mountain. They have to walk at least 2 miles to get to any people except Pita and his family! Yet, they are happy to be serving there. They absolutely love the people there. At first the new elder wondered why everyone was so jealous that he got to serve in Nakawakawa. Now he knows. There are over 50 member with 100% activity. The whole branch works together to make things happen.
     The Seaqaqa elders saw their truck in the repair shop and took pictures. We told them not to post them on Facebook. They are anxious for a new truck so they can be more effective in the work in Seaqaqa and surrounding area. The President is working on it.
We loved the rocks and sand that reminded us of Southern Utah

Works end. You may now go 80 Km.
Right! Our main speed was 40Km. or about 25 MPH in the US. It was slow going.

Houses made of wicker. Quite a sight!

Notice the little trees. They are actually fence posts that are growing. The saying is, "Stick it in the ground and it will grow."
We are feeling and doing well!
Thanks to all who have replied to our emails. We would love to hear from the rest of you, even if it’s just a line or two. I love emails! They make my day happy!
Have an amazing day!
Love you!

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