Thursday, July 23, 2015

Rex wrote:
                                      The Tale of Two Ladies
Lady One
The Elders were asked to teach Anna. She is an amazing lady. When she was a baby, her parents were both killed in a car crash. She was thrown into a bush. She was raised by a Hindi family. She graduated High School at 13, University at 17, and law school by 20. She is married with two children.
She was asking why there were so many Christian churches, The Elders gave her an overview of the Apostasy. As she heard how the church leaders left by Christ had been killed, and the church without its inspired leaders was changed, she cried. When she heard of the restoration of Christ’s church through Joseph Smith, she rejoiced. She asked why everyone was not a member. She said, “I will tell everyone I know about this.”  She did! They did not accept it as “Good News.”
Her mother-in-law is a Witch Doctor, and the rest of the family is Hindu. They took away her Book of Mormon and church pamphlets and forbad her from talking to the missionaries.

Lady Two
Shahila is a tiny eighteen year old Muslim girl. She was sickly and had to drop out of school at Form 3 (8th grade.) She has been working since then as a sales girl in a relative’s clothing store up to 60 hours a week for $35 Fijian ($17.50 US.) Sounds like child labor to me.
She was sitting on some stairs in the middle of town when the missionaries walked by. She stopped them and asked them to teach her what Christians believe. We were invited to help. Our first meeting was at the church house. She said it was alright with her parents to learn about other religions. One of the hardest ideas for her to understand is how Christ is the literal son of God. As we were teaching her, we were taking her on a tour of the church building. We went into the room that is used for the nursery and on the wall there were lots of Gospel Art pictures. The pictures helped. I used my limited knowledge of Islam to explain the differences and similarities. She treats us like new best friends.
After she left, I told the elders that she was more of a student than an investigator.

We met with her again on Saturday after the baptism for Sister Bull Mudliar. She had brought ‘sweets” made by her mother. One of the main subjects we talked about was how to pray. The spirit was strong, and when this discussion was over, I told the Elders she is now an Investigator.  She says she is going to teach her family what she has learned. I hope it goes better than with Anna.

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