Thursday, July 16, 2015

Elder Kumar and Elder d’Aquin have had us going out to teach with them as “member present.” Since they speak Hindi to those who speak little English, many times we just listen; but the Spirit is strong, and we can tell by the expressions how their words are being accepted. As Elder Kumar was growing up, they were extremely active in the Hindu religion. After his father died, the family was converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Elder Kumar received his mission call when he had been in the church only ten months. He left for his mission just after the mandatory year mark. He is 25 years old. Hindi is his native language. He talks softly, smoothly, and with great conviction, and it is well accepted. He is our district leader- strong and good, a spiritual giant. I know he will be a wonderful husband, father, and church leader someday. Elder d’Aquin, from Atlanta, is also good and strong,; yet, not as fluent in Hindi. His words are much slower and more distinct. Some of his worlds sound like Pig Latin, yet they seem to understand him well. He is from Atlanta. He is very knowledgeable and well versed on about every subject church-wise or other. Everyone loves him, also. The elders make a good team. They have had several baptisms together. Yes, I know. We get extra close to these young missionaries, and they get transferred. I am just so impressed by their spirituality and diligence. We feel it a pleasure to serve with them.

They had another baptism last Saturday-Shamal. His sister was baptized earlier. I love to see the anticipation before the baptism and the happiness after. They have a certain light in their eyes, a glow about them, and a contagious smile. I feel so privileged to attend. It strengthens my testimony and makes me happy to be a member of the only true church on this earth! We are so blessed! 
Shamal's baptism

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