Monday, March 28, 2016

Sorry we have been so busy lately we have not been able to write as often. Yesterday was a marathon day. We started at 6 AM and made brownies. The young Elders in Seaqaqa have two broken washing machines and Labasa’s landlord is remodeling both bathrooms, one of which had the washing machine. They can’t wash clothes or take showers. When they asked if Labasa has a laundromat, Rex retorted, “I know where there is a river with a flat rock!” Suffice it to say we had all the Elders over for P Day to write letters, wash clothes, and take showers. We taught Elder De Moors and Elder Luatua how to play the card game 500. We also had a special birthday lunch for Elder De Moors. Barbeque beef and oven grilled chicken. They especially loved the beef. The Labasa Elders had ordered a cake made and decorated to look like a white shirt with a green tie and his missionary name tag. He was especially grateful.
At 3 PM, we were at the church. to meet Burnadett for keyboard lessons. Next were Lucy and Delilah Vosa. It still blows me away that even though I can’t play the piano, the Lord helps me teach it; and they are doing very well for just starting.
Finally, we met briefly with Sylvia Kolonata to look at her research paper. She and her partner were still working on graphs, etc. I was so very tired. I read the introductory paragraph and told her to fill in more details and make it more understandable. I didn’t even give suggestions. I will meet with her again on Wednesday, hopefully when I can think more clearly. Rex played with the young missionaries and the youth and shared the brownies. No one can believe he can be 63 and yet be playing sports. They are not used to that here. They all love and look up to him. I am still his biggest fan!
Today will be a huge day also with District Meeting, shopping, helping Vani scan and submit her papers for the mission, and Piano Lessons. I now have at least 5 piano students. Sylvia Prasad came and asked me to teach her just last Sunday. I don’t know what I can do in just 3 weeks, but we will introduce her to the piano and get her started. Kellie is the only one who has been playing for more than 3 months.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night hurting so badly I could hardly stand it. The tingling has never been that bad. My whole body was in pain. I asked Rex to give me a blessing. I was able to sleep well the rest of the night. I am ever grateful for priesthood blessings. They have played a huge part in my life to help me and strengthen me to do whatever is required of me.

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