Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Rex Wrote:  
The house we are building is to replace this bamboo house that was blown down by Cyclone Winston, much as the house made out of sticks in the story of the Three Little Pigs was blown down by the Big Bad Wolf!
Strong and fearless in their labors

Framing the house 12 x 24 feet

Siding cut, loaded, and ready to go

Carrying boards from the truck up the hill a short way to the building site

As soon as the roof was on, the family moved in, making it harder to build. They just couldn't wait!

One side built --In the foreground is their Dalo, a root plant the storm has probably been ruined

Blood, sweat and tears went into this project. Tom, who I call the sawmill, cut himself with the chain saw. This needed stitches, but his coveralls saved him from much worse damage. (He is getting better and walking okay.)

Elder Foeva carrying ironwood

Ironwood bridge across the ditch 

Assembly line using ironwood bridge. All our young missionaries came to help for two days. (The Sisters are proselyting with Pita's wife and will help clean up around the chapel.)

Let's clear this tree off the road!

He makes carrying ironwood look like child's play. These people are strong!

Elders Foeva, Talamai, Luatua, and Hariprasad with Pita and his priesthood. Job well done!

No easy task to cut straight boards with a chain saw!

They do an amazing job!
Break time!
They put a little hut together out front to use for the kitchen. This blew Betty's mind that they have the cooking fire in the corner right next to stacked wood and bamboo walls. They control it so perfectly that there is no need to fear.

This little boy and his family have a new home!

House all done with shutters and doors locked to go to church.  They will take a week's break to replant their crops and then start building the next house!

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