Tuesday, March 8, 2016

When we first heard that Nakawakawa, a branch near the southern end of Vanua Levu, had been hit hard, our first thought was the members. Then we remembered many of the members were safe in Suva and most of the rest of the members were safe at the chapel in Labasa where they had gone to view the rededication ceremony. Our second thought was, “Oh, no! The solar unit! Rex had just installed a solar unit on the roof of the church to give them electricity in the chapel and missionary flat! Hearing that at least 5 homes were flattened and that tin was off many of the others, we feared the solar unit was destroyed. When Rex went down to assess the damage, the missionary apartment connected to the chapel had tin off its roof, but the chapel roof and solar unit were untouched. When most areas hit by the cyclone were without power, Nakawakawa still had power in more ways than one. The very name Nakawakawa means power, and the members are strong in the power of the priesthood. These are resilient, grateful, and faithful people. They still laugh and smile in the midst of a storm and are working hard as a team to rebuild. 
New Solar System Unharmed
On March 8, 2016, we are both here in Nakawakawa with all the young missionaries to help with the clean up.
On the way down, the closer we got to the port, the more damage from Cyclone Winston we saw. So many trees down, power lines down, houses totally leveled or without roofs. Rex had already helped repair the tin on the roof of the missionary apartment. As I stood by the church and looked downward, a vast amount of trees that had once been beautiful and green were stripped bare.
Lepa, Pita’s wife, came and stood beside me. She said, “So much damage.”
I asked, "How with all this terrible damage could the chapel not be harmed.”

She stated resolutely, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” She had said enough.

For service I picked up all the pieces of garbage around the church. Then Sister Elias tried her hand at weed eating the grass. She did a little and left the rest to Lepa, the master. Then the girls helped rake up around the church.
Lepa cutting the lawn

Kids playing with legos in the church

Elias Raking up the grass
The Elders went out with Rex and the priesthood brethren to haul ironwood from the sites where they cut it to the houses where it will be used. As the missionaries arrived on the scene and saw them carrying logs on their shoulders, they thought, “That looks easy!” Rex loved their reactions when they tried to lift it for the first time. Rex hauled the logs to the sites where houses will be built. Pita said it would have cost $150 to hire a truck. He loves Elder Woodward and appreciated the missionaries coming to help.
Before we left Labasa, we bought 4 chickens and other ingredients for Lepa to cook us dinner. When Elder Sieverts asked if he could help, she asked him to cut up the frozen chicken. I said, “Have her show you how.” She took the big clever and smacked the chicken, cutting it halfway down the middle. Turned it over and did the same thing. His eyes were big and his smile wide, as always, but this time in surprise as he watched her make quick work of the chicken. He did a good job following her example. I helped cut up the carrots, cucumbers, onions and smash the garlic, peppers, and fresh ginger. It was dark when we finished up. She cooked the rice in the Elder’s apartment and cooked the Chili Chicken over an open fire. It was quite romantic.
While the chicken cooked, we had Family Home Evening. Pita had invited a few other branch members, and they had invited one nonmember. There were 20 of us. Pita asked Rex to take charge and give the lesson on Pioneers. He did a great job. He told of selected pioneers through the ages and related it to Nakawakawa’s being pioneers. He asked for comments. Many were shared. It was amazing and the Spirit was strong. Then they had a game. The chairs were in a circle with one person in the middle and one empty chair. It was like a human wave with everyone moving to the empty chair and the one in the middle trying to sit down. It was crazy! They loved it!
We didn’t get to eat until 9:30 PM. Lepa did an excellent job. The Chili Chicken was cooked to perfection.
Rex used our battery operated pump to blow up our air mattress, but, with all it could do, it was still way too flat.
I said, “That’s why I wanted you to buy a foot pump. I wish you had just bought one. A flat air mattress is worse than no air mattress.”
He saw my concern for a restless night and started blowing it up the rest of the way with his mouth. That melted my heart. He tries so hard to please me. Even though we ate too late, I slept well on our air mattress, thanks to him.

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