Friday, March 4, 2016

     Rex is gone to Nakawakawa for the third time in two weeks. He loves the people there and wants to help in any way he can. He comes home for a day of rest and to get clothes washed and leaves again to take more food and supplies. He went down this time to finish building a house he had helped them start; but he spent most of his time yesterday delivering food, driving an hour to the port and waiting for another about 2 hours for two chainsaws the church sent to help with the cleanup efforts in Nakawakawa. Then they went on a wild goose chase trying to locate a gauge they had been offered to use to cut the boards to exact width.
     In the meantime, here in Labasa, my Internet was working, but Facetime wouldn't work. When Rex called, he said to do the hard turn off and turn it on again. It worked like magic! He is so good!
     The Seaqaqa Elders are looking forward to 9 baptisms today, 6 they have been teaching in a little group down towards Nakawakawa, and 3 in Seaqaqa. That is unreal! They used our church computer and our baptismal template to make a program for the 3 and asked me to print it out at the church and send it with the other missionaries who will be attending. I loved how they put the picture of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus in the river Jordon on the front cover because they will be baptizing the 3 in the river in Seaqaqa. We attended one there before, and my heart was full of joy.
     About two hours before I was to go to the church, I got a call. Family History Specialists were here from Suva to help members with Temple Ready. They called to ask who would pay for a new ink cartridge for the printer. It wouldn’t work. That meant I couldn’t print the programs there either. I put the program on a flash drive and transferred  it to my computer to print it out here. It didn’t work. My printer was evidently out of ink, too. I was feeling a little desperate, and my hands were shaking. The boys had put so much effort into this program, and without Rex here to make it work, it just wasn’t happening. I just barely got ready in time for the taxi. Before I went out the door, I saw a text from the Seaqaqa Elders. They needed me to fix the program before printing.  Sister Petero, who was listed to bear her testimony, needed to be deleted; and the 3 getting baptized needed to be added to bear their testimonies. If I would have printed it earlier, it would have been majorly wrong. However, even if I fixed it, the church printer wasn’t working. I hurriedly found the hidden key to let myself back in the house and had it handy for my return. The taxi was late, and I knew Kellie would be waiting for her piano lesson or leave thinking I wasn’t coming.
     When I got to the church, a few youth were waiting there, but Kellie was not one of them. (I called her later and found that she had a painful boil on her back, and she hadn’t even gone to school.) Nameeta came and opened the gate, but she didn’t have a key for the Family History Center. Finally the Elders came and let me in. They would be in charge of the youth activity with Rex gone. I told them about the printer. Elder Hariprasad said, “Do you need my help?” He is amazing at fixing things!
     I was so relieved and grateful he was there! I said, “Yes!”
    The printer said it was low in ink. I asked him to take the ink cartridge out and rock it a bit, as Rex always did. It still wouldn’t print. We worked together and found that a sheet of paper was stuck in the printer. Once he removed that, and we got the church computer hooked up, we were able to print the revised programs. I was so happy and felt blessed that it had worked, plus we had the printer fixed for the Family History people to use. They came soon after, and I was able to help and tend them a little. They were grateful. They also work in the Suva temple and said they might be able to help us arrange to go through a session when the girls are here.
     I helped Burnadet and Lucy with keyboarding and visited with Sister Rakuita when she arrived. I am also helping the Labasa 7 prepare applications for their missions. I informed them that if they could have everything done and handed in before next Saturday, President Layton will be here to interview them. They are all trying hard. Most of them will be able to make that happen.
     I was just trying to get up the courage to call a taxi when Hariprasad brought a beautiful less active girl in and said, “She wants to learn piano.”
     We have less than a month and a half before our three daughters come to Fiji. I almost said, “No, there’s just not enough time!” but he had just saved me so I took her to the keyboard and started with my script: “The piano knows the ABC’s, but it’s not as smart as you are. It just knows them up to G. ABCDEFG, ABCDEFG, ABCDEFG, over and over again.” I showed her the location of each of the keys and had her practice. Then I taught her “Peter, Peter, Pumkin Eater” on the black keys which I had learned when I was young. She was ecstatic! I just smiled and praised her for learning the song so quickly.
     Naomi, one of the missionary candidates came in and talked with me. She is waiting for some dental work and for her physical. I told her not to stress if she couldn’t get it together in time for the interview here on March 12. We would still help her make it happen. She threw her arms around me and said, “Sister Woodward, you make me so happy!” I love these people!
     It was dark outside when I went out to try to get a taxi. I was a little scared, not only of the dark, but also of getting inside a car with someone I don’t know. Just then Brother and Sister Naidu drove up and stopped at the store in front of me. I went to visit them. When I told them I was waiting for a taxi, they said, “No! No! Get in. We will take you home!” More blessings! I was so grateful! As I was opening the big gate, Sister Naidu said, “Are you sure you’re okay here all alone. Would you like to come stay at our home with us?” That was so sweet, but I assured her I would be just fine.
     Just as I got inside the house, Rex called. It was so wonderful to hear his voice, and report, and hear of his day. He will be home late tonight. I am just not complete without him by my side. He means the world to me!
    I hope all is well for you!
    Take care of yourselves!
    I love you forever!

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