Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Pita's roof was folded back over exposing his bedroom.

Pita's house fixed

This time with hurricane ties!

Fixing the missionary's roof

Same supplies we use

Washing out the rain gutter that brings in the rain water for drinking and personal use.

Pita and Ezekiah

Rebuilding the outdoor church bathroom enclosure

Happy to be working

Mission Pickup used for hauling lumber from cutting site to building site.

Even using a level!

Digging holes for ironwood posts that hold the house up

Ironwood is heavy and about as strong as cement, used as the foundation

Leveling posts

Starting floorboards

The branch priesthood works well together

Before Rex convinced them to use the pickup, men would carry boards one at a time over a half mile to the building site. It looked like ants hauling food. It was a slow, tedious process!

The sawmill, using a chainsaw to cut the boards. Instead of a chalk line, they used a string dipped in oil and flipped it.

Fijian culvert -- They dug a trench laid three tree trunks across the road, and covered it with dirt.
As the dirt fell back in with the first big rain, they added more dirt to make it level.

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