Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friday, Nov 6, we took a Savusavu Sister Moe from to the airport at 9 AM.
Sisters Elias, Aumua, Moe, Kevaru 
We got back just in time to meet the Roths at a Handover Ceremony at the Macuata Provincial Council. I loved it. The ceremony is very formal. The Fijian people were so appreciative of the new projector and the large white screen donated by LDS Charities (Humanitarian Aid.)  These will be used for presentations and training for chiefs of over 105 villages. They gave the Roths some leis and a huge tightly woven mat. They boasted that Brother Roth’s lei and the mat were made with the same material as Baby Moses’ basket. When they said that, I had to wipe away the tears. The mat was so beautiful, and the people were so proud to present it to them.

Sister Roth giving her speech with President Bull and Elder Roth.
On the wall is the official pattern of Fiji symbolizing their people.
The tightly woven mat is the prettiest I have seen in Fiji.
Bother Roth modeling the back of his lei
             As usual, the Roths had the most incredible refreshments.
We got done just in time to rush to the airport to say goodbye to Elder Kumar and to take two trips transporting Sisters from the airport to the Sisters’ flat. Later that day we did the same thing to escort all six sisters to the Chinese Restaurant and take them out to dinner before four of them left on the bus for Savusavu. Two of them went onto Taveuni.
We got to the church by 5 PM where Rex started the Youth Activity, and I helped Kelly with keyboarding. With this transfer, we got an Elder Luatua (I know. It just sounds as if I’m making up his name, but it’s for real!) He’s originally from Samoa living in southern Australia. He was attending college before his mission going out in music. He can sing well and play the piano like a professional. He has had about 11 years of lessons. I asked him if he would come in and help Kelly. He mostly helped her with posture and counting, but she really enjoyed his attention. He seems pleased with her progress so far. I jusr have her started. Hopefully, he can take some time while he is here to help her improve.
President St. John talked with us. His wife was transferred to Lautoka, and 14 year old Josephine moved to be with her. She had to leave her father, her home, and all her friends. Josephine loved the Friday night Youth Activities. She especially loved basketball and could make more baskets than any of the boys. She was sorely disappointed that there were no Friday activities in Lautoka. Because of her insistence, and with the help of her parents, they are now starting weekly activities there. The first one was last Friday. We love it that she wanted to carry on the tradition. She is starting to be happy again.

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