Sunday, November 1, 2015

The new Branch President’s wife, Sister Bull, is not only on the high court of Fiji and an amazing piano player, but she has an incredible talent working with and getting results from any age group. We call her the Jen Hobbs of Fiji. She is also the Primary President. Saturday, we loved watching her and the children at primary practice for their Sacrament Meeting Presentation. She had the children so enthralled that they had no idea they were singing each verse about 15 times. Each few times was a different method. Their favorite was when she signaled the girls to stand up, sing a line, and sit down; then the boys stand up, sing a line, and sit down;, and alternate through the whole song. They practiced once and then sang the whole verse at regular speed. They were like little Jack in the Boxes with huge smiles, popping up and down, without missing a word. I was totally intrigued. Sister Bull told me that the children are loving primary so much that they refuse to stay home on Sunday. They lead their less active mothers to church, usually walking all the way.

Sister Bull's daughter Emma helps with songleading

Such well behaved children waiting to be served treats after

Playing games

Leaders preparing the treats Sister Bull is in the white and maroon
This was at the first before they practiced and only 2/3 of the children were there.

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