Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Primary Sacrament Meeting Program is always my favorite week of the year. 
We took a shot of the children as they started to gather. 
Sister Bull had them all dress in white.

Swastica is a recent convert. As we were visiting, before church began, she came to us frantic and said we had to take her home. She had left her new white dress her mother had made just for this. We told Swastica we couldn't take her. It is against mission rules. We didn't have much time. She called home and said we would be coming. We knew the road we had dropped the Elders off to go visit her. She said to turn at the big rock. The road was lined with huge black boulders.Which one? We called her father for directions, but he said he didn't speak English. We were blessed to make the wrong turn at the fork in the road. A young mother who spoke Engliush was outside. She pointed up the hill to Swastica's house. We asked if she would talk with the parents in Hindi. She yelled up the hill and told them Rex would be coming for the dress. Rex climbed up a very steep hill and got the dress. They had it wrapped in newspaper. He had to slide down the hill, holding the dress in the air so it wouldn't get dirty. He slipped and scraped his hand a little; but the dress was safe, and we returned in time for her to change. Swastica felt beautiful. 
She already knew we love her, but now she knows without a doubt..

Practicing before the program started. 
Sister Bull is at the piano, and her daughter Emma is leading.

Swastica, Sister Bull, Sera
I called Sera "Princess" when I first met her, and her mother expects me to call her that. Sera gives a little squeal for joy followed by a big hug every time she sees me.

We are joined by the chief's daughter, another recent convert. 
She is the one who helped us clear clumps of grass off their field so we didn't need to use the bulls.
Whenever someone gets out a camera, more join in.

And more!!! 
Swastica is the one taking the pictures. She did an amazing job.
We were excited to see Presiden't Nasova's daughter and her sweet baby at church.
We had given them a special invitation.

I was thrilled to see the Chief's wife, a nonmember, there. She is a sweetheart. We had also given her a special invitation to come see her daughter in the Primary Program.
She is in front holding the Nasova baby with a member from Naduna.

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