Sunday, November 8, 2015

Saturday morning, Nov. 7, 2015, we helped with transport then went to the Family History Center to complete the programs for our 4 baptisms. A man was brought to us who had come to the church to do Family History research. We called Sister Rakuita to come help him. She needed to shower first. While we waited we tried to make him feel at home and got to know a little about him. His wife died in 2009. He is a nonmember who had looked everywhere possible to find records of his parents, who had died when he was young, and records of his grandparents. They couldn’t help him, but simply said, “Go to LDS in Labasa across from the police station.” He asked us, “What does LDS stand for?” We told him the name of the church and a little about it while we waited. He had been in Anglican church which promotes whiskey and grog. He knew this was not good and found the Bible Institute that told him, “Do not drink.” He had gotten away from the whiskey and grog, which was used all the time in the village and had sent his son to university to get him away from it, also. He said his skin is much better now without the drugs. We told him we do not allow drinking or smoking in our church either. He had such a light about him. We both were thinking he would make a wonderful member. We looked in one book for his information, but couldn’t find anything. He had evidently told us the wrong year. I said, “Wait for Sister Rakuita, the Family History Consultant. If anyone can help you, she can.” Sister Rakuita came after about an hour. She asked his name and information. Then she preceded to tell him about Elijah and the church and the Book of Mormon. She seemed to be preaching the Gospel a lot more than looking for his information. She was still teaching him when we finished the baptismal program and excused ourselves.
We talked to her at the baptisms later that day and asked if she had been able to find his information. She was so excited! She said she had seen this man before in a dream and knew he would come to her for help. She is a woman of great faith. She found where to go on the films and showed him the actual certificates of not only his own information, but also those of his parents and his grandparents. He was so happy! Someone had left a new Fijian Book of Mormon in the center. She gave it to him and told him to keep it and read it. He held it to his heart. He was amazed that she would do all this for free. She gave him her cell # and told him to call if he wanted more help or if he wanted the missionaries to come teach him. We love this amazing woman. We assured her that we will replace the new Book of Mormon she gave away, and we will bring a few more for her to give away any time she wants.

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