Sunday, March 29, 2015

Youth Activities: We haven’t even been going inside the church to play indoor party games lately. They are having too much fun playing outside. Parents have been coming and staying to watch. Brother Baliwasawasa, Brother Latianara, and Sister Singh are playing volleyball with the best of them. A CES leader from Suva dropped by and was all smiles as he hit the ball. Rex joins in each week while the youth are gathering.
(At the end of our activity a week ago, someone took our rugby ball. Rex didn't want to reward them by buying another rugby ball. Instead, we bought a soccer ball. Now they will play soccer, basketball, and volleyball until someone brings back our rugby ball.)
I wish the video below could have caught the beautiful rainbow in the background. The chief's son is the one in the red shorts.

We bring chairs out, and those resting or not playing spend the night watching, visiting, and bat watching. I stayed out with the bats this week since Rex was sitting by me to protect me. He got one that came in really close on video and put it on the blog- not anywhere as intense as being there, but it will preserve the memory.
Everyone has such an enjoyable time each week. The bottles of ice water we bring are a luxury, and they continue to compliment our treats. At the end of each activity, they all shake our hands, thank us, and make sure there will be an activity the next week. Then they help us carry things to the car and walk home.
It's a party!
We love you! 

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