Friday, March 27, 2015

Rex wrote: Tuesday, after our District Meeting and lunch at the Chinese Restaurant, we took the pickup in for its 3000 mile checkup. It passed.
  On Wednesday, March 25, we were at the airport by 8:00 A.M. when the Vermeeren’s plane landed.  They are coming to take the Smith’s place in Taveuni.  The Vermeerens are from Canada.  They are wonderful, as has been the case with all the Senior Missionaries we have met.  We brought them back to our flat intending to let them Skype home, and thinking we could feed them some pancakes, complete with maple syrup squeezed from the maple leaf of a Canadian Flag.
Plans change: When we got to our flat, they said that they were just fine and didn't need food.  We had the computer ready to let them Skype or Facetime, but they told us their children were all on vacation and could not be reached. They did want help on their blog.  Betty and the Sister worked on that for awhile. I asked them if they wanted a drink, and I listed some snacks. I was finally able to serve her a glass of Apple/Orange juice, and he took a small can of peanuts. They fixed the blog, looked at our garden, and took pictures by our growing bananas.
The day before I had told Elder Raju, who is from Canada, that we were going to pick up a senior couple from Canada, and asked if he would like to meet them. He said yes.
We told the Vermeerens we had a missionary from their home country here who would like to meet them. Canada's such a small country, they would probably know him, right?
It turns out Elder Raju and they are all from Calgary, Alberta and that the Vermeerens know Elder Raju’s grandparents very well. In fact the Rajus had asked them to look up their grandson when they came. We helped them complete their first assignment. This couple had worked in the temple on Saturday mornings. Every week, the Rajus faithfully attended the 7:00 AM session. What dedicated and inspirational people. They have just put their papers in for a mission, even though the grandfather is 84. The Vermeerens met Elder Raju, visited, and took pictures to send to his grandparents.
On the way to Savusavu, we stopped in Seaqaqa to pick up a cutting board Sister Roth had forgotten at the handing over ceremony. We saw President Patero’s truck parked at the Church, and we went in to introduce the Vermeerens to him since he is a counselor in the District Presidency. We also introduced them to Sister Patero who was at the church assisting the returned missionary sister we had helped begin signing up for BYU Hawaii. She has passed her English SLEP test and can now finish her application.
We drove across the island talking and sharing stories. When we were comparing ages, we found that Karen and I were born on exactly the same day, September 30, 1952, just one country apart.
Her story was interesting. Years back, as she was preparing for a marathon, she was approached by a coach and asked if she had ever tried speed walking. No, she hadn't. The coach trained her, and she won 2 silver medals in the World Olympics. Now that’s pretty impressive. Betty said she is cute as a button and full of energy. She will tear it up as a missionary. She worked with a dentist for 27 years, and John was a safety inspector. They have 4 sons, all entrepreneurs. One of them is a motivational speaker. They have 16 grandchildren.
In Savusavu, we went to the Roth’s where the Vermeerens were going to spend the night. We were happy for them to meet and enjoy the delightful sweetness of the Roths whom we love.
We all met the Harwards at the Chinese restaurant in Savusavu and had dinner together.  Afterwards, we split up.  We stopped at butcher shop and got 10 lbs of frozen hamburger for us to take back to Labasa.  Betty bought a couple things at a gift shop. Then we went to the Roths and visited with all four couples until it was time to make our cross island drive.  We made it home after dark all safe and sound. It was a good day.
Have a party!
Love you!

Sister Karen Vermeeren, Elder Raju, Elder Palelei, Brother John Vermeeren 

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