Sunday, March 15, 2015

We are grateful Cyclone Pam missed us, but we are sad for the people being hit by the storm on other islands. It was supposed to go right in the middle, and we were just supposed to get heavy rains and wind. School, seminary, and institute were cancelled, and we also cancelled our youth activity last night. As it turned out, we were spared with just a little more wind than normal. The people and the crops are still doing just fine! Thank you for your prayers.
Rex took this video from our carport. Look how beautiful the palm trees are swaying in the wind. Glad the wind didn't get too strong. (Better resolution smaller.)

   We just returned from a convert baptism for sister Filo Wiriwiri. The sister missionaries taught her, and Elder Palelei baptized her. It was a spiritual feast. She will be confirmed tomorrow.
   Enjoy your day!

   Love you!
Sister Eneri, Filo Wiriwiri, Sister Kora, Elder Palelei March 14, 2015

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