Sunday, March 1, 2015

Mar. 2, 2015
    We saw our first “Mobile Home” Sunday. The house was about 16’x 16.’ A group of people were lifting it off its stilts and loading it onto a flatbed truck to move.
   Naduna had it’s best attendance yet—23. I met the Branch President and the 1st Counselor for the first time of the 10 weeks we have gone there. It was good to have them there. The Branch President and his wife have 8 children so that alone doubled the attendance. The wife is Relief Society President, but she was teaching junior primary. It was the first time they have separated for Priesthood and Relief Society lessons. On the spot, I got the privilege of teaching Relief Society. Rex taught Priesthood. After the meeting, we stacked the chairs. As we were leaving, we shook hands with everyone. The kids were so excited after having us at the activity that they were all smiles, and each must have each shaken our hands three times.
   Last Thursday Sister Kumar went out with us for about three hours. She pointed out where members live, and we stopped and visited for a while with each one. We came home feeling happy that we had made a positive difference in a few lives.
   Tuesdays are District Meetings, eating out with the missionaries, and playing games with Roop and his sister, Sushila. They love it so much when we come. It seems to be the only activity they have. When I walked in last Tuesday, Sushila was on the floor, where she stays. When she saw me, the light came on. She sat up and was all smiles. She loves playing the Toss Up game. She only has one hand that works, but she can hold the cup and shake it. As she shakes, sometimes one spills out over the top. This week Rex made a big deal out of it each time it happened. He would point at it and say, “It jumped out!” “It jumped out again!” She laughed so hard, she had to quit shaking for a moment as she put her head right down to the floor in laughter. He had made a game out of it. From then on, she tried to make them jump out on purpose and then looked to Rex for recognition, then laughed. She was having the time of her life!
    She had tears in her eyes and shook her head when I told her goodbye last week. I patted her on the back to comfort her. Still holding her hand, I said, “I love you!” She smiled, and although she can’t talk, I could see in her eyes she was saying it back to me. That really touched my heart.
   Love you all!

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