Friday, November 14, 2014

   It was our P day today so we ventured out to find the ocean.We had a partial map. We knew the name of the beach started with Koro. We found Korotubu on the map and headed for it. We had a beautiful drive, saw lots of Palm Trees, tons of Mango trees with ripe fruit falling onto the ground, sugar cane,  lots of cattle,  goat herds, a few natives, 3 mongoose crossing the road (or do you say mongeese???), and lots and lots of graveled road. We actually found the little villiage of Korotubu, but no beachfront property. We drove slowly through the village and on past and saw the ocean as we drove parallel to it, but we didn't ever make it to the beach. I guess in Labasa not all roads lead to the beach! 
   We found out tonight the beach is in the total opposite direction to where we went -not in Korotubu, but in Korovatu. I know! They sound really close, right? And we didn't write it down when we heard it. There may be hope yet seeing the beautiful beach of Fiji. Another P day perhaps. I can hardly wait.
   We met with the missionaries and the ward mission leader tonight. We are going on visits with  the missionaries tomorrow. Much to do.

This is the best view of the ocean we got on our tour today. So close, but yet so far away!

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun hearing about everything. Good luck finding the ocean this week!
