Monday, November 24, 2014

Rex says, "I plant!" He cut off the top of a pineapple and planted it.

We live at the top of a hill. Our cement driveway is a very steep slant down to the metal gate by the road. Rex has to put the truck in 4 wheel drive and first gear just to drive it to the top where we park & that's without any snow!
We went out first thing this morning to do some much needed yard work. We didn't want to get the back of our mission pickup dirty so we used something we learned from when we were in South Carolina with Roxi when Zach was born.We piled the weeds, grass, branches and debris onto big tarps, and Rex pulled them one at a time down to the side of the road where the big truck will pick it up. It would have been about 3/4 of a pickup load. At the end of about an hour we were both filthy and raining sweat off our faces. A really good work out.
At 11 AM we had district meeting. It was a great reminder of fellowshipping and following up on committments to bring people to church. One of our zone leaders Elder Tyler from West Jordan was there on splits. He flies back home next Tuesday.
Afterwards we ate out with the Elders and Sisters. We really like the Chinese restaurant we went to. Their sweet and sour chicken is amazing!
At 6 PM, Rex and I are meeting with our branch clerk to start trying to clean up our branch records. Many came here to work and left soon after, but the records just stay or come right back whenever they are sent away. Tonight is the start of a very long process trying to send away the records of those who have left Labasa and hope they don't come right back. We have had training of how to do that. We will see if it works. This is one of our big responsibilities here to get rid of the ones who aren't here so we can concentrate on strengthening and activating the ones who are.

Bishop Womack made me homesick this morning by sending me a picture of a sunrise back home. He took it while coming down off the top of Little Mountain. That's one of the first things I looked for every morning at home.

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