Wednesday, November 19, 2014

  We are starting a data base of active branch members to try to get to know them better.
   We will be working with branch leaders to try to clean up records of all those who have moved. They have 740 members on record, but only 90 come.
   The Relief Society President has sent me a list of ward leadership with phone #s. That is definitely helping. One challenge is communication since many don't have phones or email. We are going to try to get all the contact info we can to try to bind the branch together. Another challenge is transportation. The branch area is huge, and most have to walk. We are trying to lay a foundation.
   Rex finally got the gas oven lit, and had me make brownies with oil instead of butter, since we forgot to buy butter, and he wanted brownies. He said they are good. They looked ok, but since I can't taste them, I just hope he's telling the truth. For all those who know him....
   We made rice yesterday & he had rice and spam. I'm eating the rice and letting him eat the spam. I just can't do it yet.
   Rex volunteered to give the Elder's lesson on Sunday. He's having fun making a Power Point presentation. He says he's really overkilling it. He misses teaching and really wants to get to work doing something. We had an appointment to go visiting with the Branch President, but he was out of town and had to cancel. Now that we have a few phone numbers, hopefully we can get going.
    We are also communicating with our mentors above us in CES, and they are starting to send a few things. We have had no training as far as Education Specialists. We have been researching on the Internet and finding a few things. They have promised to train us soon so we know how to fill this calling and help the people of Fiji.
Love you all!  

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