Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 23, 2014
   I love Sundays here! The people are so friendly and welcoming. Each of tthe sisters gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It makes me feel special.
   We were able to go out with the Elders visiting tonight. They have such a strong spirit and do so well at teaching.They teach most of their lessons in Fajian. We only understand a few of the words, but we feel the Spirit. We speak in English. The Elders ask us to introduce ourselves, give any input, and bear our testimonies. We love to go out with them.
   Today was an example of why we need a 4 wheel drive truck. The roads were muddy and narrow. One section had my side nonexistant. It went straight down over a cliff. Luckily Rex clung to the middle of the road.
   We taught an 18 year old girl who is a member but hasn't been to church for a while. She is smart and beautiful. We invited her to come to Invitation Sunday on Nov 30. It will also be the Primary Program.       
   We then split up for a few minutes when a Methodist gentleman came out of his house dressed only in a towel and invited us in to come in and tell him about our church. The Elders thought it would end up in Bible bashing.They smiled and left us with him and went to the next house to teach some investigators. The man was actually very gracious and hospitable. Rex did a good job teaching him about the apostasy and the restoration and some of the things we believe. He called Rex a good preacher, but Rex said he is not a preacher, but he is just giving the message of Christ. The man asked for a prayer before we left. He gave us some mangos to take home. (Since I'm the only one eating them, I am getting quite a few.) He walked us up the hill and pointed out the house where the Elders were visiting. We bid him goodbye and joined the Elders. The family is adorable - a man, wife, and 6 kids. I would love to see them join the church.
   One thing happened not of a spiritual nature. I was trying to take a nap this afternoon when I tried to swish away an ant or whatever it was that was moving under my sleeve. I opened my eyes just in time to see a 4 inch gecko run across the bed and disappear over the edge. That was a first!
   All is well. We are happy! The Gospel is true!
   Take care everyone!

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