Sunday, December 6, 2015

Written Sunday, Dec 6: We had the most amazingly spiritual day yesterday. We went to Seaqaqa to witness our first baptism performed in a river. (We have been teaching Aloisi to renew his PEF Loan. Yesterday his sister was baptized. She is 18 and has just finished Form 7, Grade 13. This is a very intelligent family. The missionaries said this girl was “golden.”) The meeting before the baptism was beautiful. We walked down to the river behind the church. The water was a little low so they had to walk around to find the deepest part. I couldn’t help thinking of how Christ walked into the River Jordon with John the Baptist to be baptized. It was a glorious day, and the Spirit was strong. Merioni was glowing.
Sister Petero had awakened at 3 AM to make all the refreshments, She had tuna sandwiches, egg sandwiches, punch, muffins, cinnamon rolls,  and pineapple pie with coconut cream topping made from fresh coconuts. She is an excellent cook, and everyone kept going back for more. She has a policy that she never takes any food home so the missionaries and members had to sacrifice and divide up the rest of the food.
As we were returning home, we asked the Hindi Elders if they had scheduled refreshments for the Labasa baptisms. They said, “No!” We raced to the market and bought bananas, pineapples; and we took a bag of cookies. We had just enough time for me to print out the program and for Rex to cut up the fruit before the program started. This was a day to make things right. One of the baptisms was Joana’s little sister, Lusia, a child of record. She had been baptized last year, but her baptism was never recorded on the MLS. They baptized her again and will record it this time.
The other baptism was Tubu. He was a convert baptism a year ago, but that very same day, he went swimming with a group and broke his leg. He stayed with family in Suva to recuperate and was never confirmed. He came back after several months, but his father died, and his aunt would not give him permission to come back to church. Daniel Bull, his good friend, never gave up on him. He finally started coming back to church, the missionaries taught him the lessons again; and yesterday, he was rebaptized.
Today they were both confirmed. I had tears in my eyes as Tubu was being confirmed. He had waited so long for this day, and it had happened beautifully. 
We shouldn't have worried about refreshments. The Bulls came fully loaded. They had pizza, colorful treats, fruit, and punch. We didn't even have to use ours. They never cease to amaze me. Everything they do is off the charts perfect.
I love Fast and Testimony Meeting. Rex bore his testimony first. Brother and Sister Naidu’s daughter was visiting. When she got up she said, "Age is just a number. I was going to get up here first, but Brother Woodward was just too quick." That made him feel good. She told of a terrible incident that just happened where men broke into her girl’s housing complex and stole anything of worth including laptops, cameras, jewelry, etc. She had chosen to decorate her room with pictures of the Savior around the wall. The only thing missing from her room was an old broken, ipad. It is her assumption that the person who came into her room, saw all the pictures of Christ, changed his mind, and left all her valuable items. She feels very blessed. The faith of these people is so strong! They know without a doubt that the Lord will be there to help them through every trial they will face.  They are a great example to me of love, humility, service, and sacrifice. We are here to help them and support them in any way we can; yet, they are the ones who have taught me, and strengthened me and my testimony.  

Elder Aoina, Merioni, Elder Talamai, Mother

Elder Luatua, Tubu, Elder Mong Yen

Just ready for prayer. It was a party!

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